Solanum torvum (තිබ්බටු)

Solanum torvum Solanum torvum Solanum torvum

Solanum torvum, the turkey berry, devil's fig, pea eggplant, platebrush or susumber, is a bushy, erect and spiny perennial plant used horticulturally as a rootstock for eggplant. Grafted plants are very vigorous and tolerate diseases affecting the root system, thus allowing the crop to continue for a second year.

The plant is usually 2 or 3 m in height and 2 cm in basal diameter, but may reach 5m in height and 8 cm in basal diameter. The shrub usually has a single stem at ground level, but it may branch on the lower stem. The stem bark is gray and nearly smooth with raised lenticels. The inner bark has a green layer over an ivory color (Little and others 1974). The plants examined by the author, growing on firm soil, had weak taproots and well-developed laterals. The roots are white. Foliage is confined to the growing twigs.

Here are its many health benefits:

  • Consuming Turkey berry keeps many intestinal problems like indigestion, diarrhoea and gastric ulcers at bay.
  • On regular consumption, symptoms of anaemia are also controlled to a large extent by this wondrous vegetable. This can be attributed to its dense iron content.
  • Also, because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it hinders infections.
  • The huge presence of antioxidants like flavanoids, alkaloids etc, in Turkey berry can ward off various cardiovascular diseases and can prevent the onset of stroke.
  • It can also help to eradicate the harmful uric acid from the body, thus keeping various kidney diseases at bay.

All said and done, this berry, though teeny-weeny in size, can act as a remarkable antidote to various human ailments.

Crop Group Vegetables
Scientific Name Solanum torvum
Family Name Solanaceae
Plant Code 061900
Name in English Turkey berry
Name in Sinhala Thibbatu
Name in Tamil Karimulli, Mulli

Solanum torvum Solanum torvum Solanum torvum

【LK94005750: Solanum torvum. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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