
Kuragala Kuragala Kuragala

Kuragala is a pre-historic archaeological site consisting of an early human settlement during the late Pleistocene period and ruins of ancient Buddhist Cave temple complex, dating back to the 2nd century BC, in Balangoda, Sri Lanka. The temple complex is located on the Balangoda - Kaltota road (B38) approximately 24 km (15 mi) distance from the Balangoda town. The site has been formally recognised by the Government as an archaeological reserve in Sri Lanka. Kuragala is considered as the oldest archaeological site found in the Intermediate Zone.

Pre-historic evidences

According to the archaeological evidences found, Kuragala area had been used by humans belonging to the pre-historic period. From the excavations, archaeologists found stone tools, fossilized bone fragments and remains of a human skeleton which is believed to be aged more than 8,000 years. Investigations further revealed that the humans lived in Kuragala may had close links with the coastal areas as it found the remnants of seashells and shells of clams. Recent studies done in the Kuragala Kaltota Diyawinna area have revealed that beside the hunting, they had also engaged in agricultural activities as well.

However in February 2021, the temple was handed over to Ven. Rajakeeya Panditha Wataddara Gnanissara Nayake better known as Nelligala Hamuduruwo and is now going through a another revival. The reconstruction of this Sacred Area under the theme ‘Yali Pibidena Kuragala’ (Reviving Kuragala) commenced.

Reviving Kuragala

A monastery, a Sacred Relics House and a Bodhi Pavilion will also be constructed. A huge Buddha statue will also be erected here. A 500 feet high staircase is planned to be built. A large lion statue is currently being erected to adorn the staircase. A reservoir called ‘Kuragala Wewa’ will also be constructed here.

Kuragala Kuragala Kuragala

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