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Link Danthimooladee Kwatha

Link Danthimooladee Kwatha

Regular price Rs 1,000.00 LKR
Regular price Rs 1,200.00 LKR Sale price Rs 1,000.00 LKR
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(SKU: LS4080DD4E) Link Danthimooladee Kwatha is an Ayurvedic herbal decoction primarily made from Danthimoola (Plumbago zeylanica) and other herbs. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and digestive properties. Commonly used to alleviate digestive disorders like indigestion and abdominal pain, it also supports overall gastrointestinal health and detoxification. Typically consumed orally, it's prepared by boiling the herbs in water until it reduces to a concentrated decoction. Storage in a cool, dry place away from sunlight is recommended.

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